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How to Connect with Mobile Customers

  There is no denying the fact that mobile marketing is not the wave of the future anymore – it’s a necessity in the present. 2015 marked the first year that mobile searches outpaced computer searches on Google, and the trend toward mobile search shows no sign of slowing. As of 2016, over two billion people own […]

5 Biggest Trends in Local Search Right N...

Last year we saw some massive changes in local search, with Google basically demanding that all websites be mobile-friendly or pay a price. Mobile searches outpaced computer searches for the first time, and Google searches now return only three local search results where there used to be seven. Clearly, the times are changing when it […]

Smart Ways to Increase Home Page Convers...

Are conversions on your home page lagging behind your expectations? There is an art to designing a high-converting home page, and a lot of small businesses simply don’t give the content and appearance of their website enough attention. The good news is that there are some very simple things you can do to increase your […]

Which Types of Facebook Brand Posts Get ...


You’re sitting at your computer, you’ve got your general social media strategy in mind, perhaps some content that you will post or share about, but you feel your content should really be feeling much more of the love than your analytics are showing you. “But why?” you ask yourself. After time, you start to question […]

Happy Buyers: Emotional Content Triggers...


With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, emotions are fluttering all around – some happy, some sad, some just annoyed with the whole ordeal. Whether or not you will be cuddled up with your significant other or indulging in a night for yourself – you know you’ve seen the advertisements and campaigns all over the […]

4 Crucial Tips for Search Engine Marketi...


A recent report released by Google found that the typical B2B researcher performs 12 online searches before he or she engages with a brand. Considering this statistic, businesses should be prompted to ask their teams, “What have our public relations and marketing strategies done for our search marketing results lately?” To ensure that your business […]